When a Bot is started in Telegram, the system writes “/ start” and the bot responds to anything. Trying to add “/ start” as an intention in various ways “start”, “/ start” as equivalent to a greeting but the algorithm does not understand it. Always respond poorly and start a conversation giving a wrong answer
I am working on the following model:
- Intent New Credit
- Respond: Do you accept?
- Intent Accept
- Respond: Perfect. What it´s your name?
- user respond “carlos” save in a database and next question
- Respond: Perfect. What it´s your surname?
Should I create an intention for each answer? I simply want to store the data in a database and keep asking. How should the structure be?
- I am having to fail to train RASA when I have a lot of lines of code in the nlu.md file. Is it a technical or my server limitation that collapses?