On new conversation an intent is triggered from further down the story order

Problem I am having On new conversation an intent is triggered from further down the order

In the case below shouldn’t ‘hello’ intent only be checked as entry into the conversation on both

If fails to match intent ‘hello’ shouldn’t it fail?

Why am I getting started in the story from intent ‘positive’

- story: Happy_path
  - intent: hello
  - action: utter_are_you_looking
  - intent: positive
  - action: utter_are_you_currently_working
  - intent: positive
  - action: utter_how_many
  - intent: positive
  - action: utter_confirm
- story: other_1
  - intent: hello
  - action: utter_are_you_looking
  - intent: positive
  - action: utter_are_you_currently_working
  - intent: positive
  - action: utter_how_many
  - intent: negative
  - action: utter_goodbye

No, it should not fail if hello is not the first intent.

Stories are here to tell the bot what he should do after receiving an intent.