Now Available: Integrated Version Control for Rasa X

Thanks for this. I found myself thinking the docs couldn’t be right b/c it wasn’t valid JSON having new lines in the private key. Kept getting RepositoryCreationFailed and was googling. Should have just tried this.

Heads up, a quicker way to make this conversion

cat private-key | awk '{printf "%s\\n", $0}'

@Ben-Mark Can you please try putting the ssh key just as it is in the repository.json instead of inserting the \ns?

We are currently working on making the repository creation way easier. Sorry for the struggle and thanks for trying out this feature! :tada: We highly appreciate your feedback on this!

I spend 2 days (feel really frustrated) trying to get this to work, following the docs (Integrated Version Control & The Rasa Masterclass Handbook: Episode 9) which always end up with:

{“version”:“0.25.1”,“status”:“failure”,“message”:“Insufficient permissions for remote repository.”,“reason”:“RepositoryCreationFailed”,“details”:{“args”:[“Given repository credentials don’t provide write permissions to the repository. Please make sure the ssh key is correct and the administrator of the remote repository gave you the required permissions.”]},“help”:null,“code”:422}curl: (3) Port number ended with ‘a’

I’m using a gitlab repository, with public SSH keys and write permissions

I don’t have a clue what’s going wrong, and really like to get this to work. Please… I could use some tips & tricks here

Hi @MeJoAI,

welcome to they Rasa Community! Sorry, that you have so much pain in setting this. We will make this easier soon!

Can you share how your repository.json looks like (please not with the original key, url :slight_smile: )

How did you install Rasa X? Using docker-compose I asssume?

Hi Tobias,

I installed RasaX using the docker-compose method, as in the docs. Works fine.

my repository.json file looks like this:

{ “repository_url":"”, “target_branch”:“master”, “ssh_key”:"-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED DEK-Info: AES-128-CBC,DA1E95E08F48444EE0171DC01E2CD334

-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----" }

Please try with a key which is not protected by a password. Rasa X has no chance to decrypt it.

Thought that the empty entry while generating would give me a key without a password (a bit of a noob). Just enter is the trick…

Still no luck though, I get this in the output:

{"version":"0.25.1","status":"failure","message":"Insufficient permissions for remote repository.","reason":"RepositoryCreationFailed","details":{"args":["Given repository credentials don't provide write permissions to the repository. Please make sure the ssh key is correct and the administrator of the remote repository gave you the required permissions."]},"help":null,"code":422}

When I paste the URL in the browser, I get this response:
{"reasons":["Authorization header not present."],"exception":"Unauthorized"}

Looks like it’s a permission/authorization thing, and gave it write permission
Still a bit clueless…, any thoughts on how to solve this?

Can you please share how your repository.json looks now?

@Tobias_Wochinger same problem here…

my repository.json looks like this:

{ “repository_url”: “”, “ssh_key”: “-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIJKAIBAAKCAgEApG76jK20RZSVMoHZUIRwqgxkyrzLC7NozJX/bFxNyONWQrtr -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----”, “target_branch”: “master” }

I’ve tried Gitea and GitHub, makes no difference.

Hi Tobias, my repository.json currently looks like this:

"ssh_key":"-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

I’ve tried Github instead of GitLab, made no difference. Private or Public repository didn’t either. (desperately trying anything)

Thanks in advance

Yes, got the same error message, replacing for \n didn’t help.

{ “repository_url”:“”, “ssh_key”:"-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIJKgIBAAKCAgEAzopjloiOl/f/+1CHwXaxegDWI8WA+r49dTaxitdQe+QeyWIF\nnBDEerzyXB2oL9JdybDm5pMYzl0w6jhs8tA3DihCCYtzIRnlXEI7goiyJh+YrPEO\n07J8ujmomJQfvJgrxHg8rC2SNERku3B2sPhHr2V+VaILI2FDtKuUFVS5xb7B5zk9\nHs92THE_REST_OF_MY_KEY_HEREkDT6Em0yzw==\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n", “target_branch”:“master” }

Please try to not escape the newlines, but just copy-paste the key in the repository.json.

First I tried that way, only then made escaping. Both options lead to the same error.

In my case, the problem was that the repository was just empty…

Just that? didn’t change anything else? just curious…
I’ve got the standard rasa init on my remote repository.
Guess I’ve got something else going on

Got it to work!!!

This time I used a GCP VM, like The Rasa Masterclass Handbook: Episode 9 says, didn’t do anything different then the ones I already deployed to IBMCloud and AWS which don’t seem to work.

Shouldn’t be a difference in my opinion, don’t know the difference either. But sure would like to see it working on AWS

Getting the same error when I try to integrate RASAX. Everything went smooth until this and now this looks like a dead end. Followed step in Ep #9 - Rasa Masterclass ((Ep #9 - Rasa Masterclass) Improving the assistant: Setting up the Rasa X | Rasa 1.8.0 - YouTube)


  • Linux Version - Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS
  • Platform - Google Cloud
  • Python version - 3.6.8
  • RasaX version - 0.25.2

Did anybody manage to get past this??

@kiranlvs93 I had the same problem and I solved it by installing the ssh key with no password…

But after succesfully connecting the repo nothing is changing in my rasa x, no domain, no configuration and no data, is there anything else I should do after integrating?

I installed the ssh key without password (hit enter without typing in anything for passphrase). Is it the new line that’s causing the issue? @Tobias_Wochinger suggests that we paste the keys without escaping the new line with \n. However there are people who made it by escaping it? What’s the right approach?