Not recognizing correct entity

I have a data set where there are multiple intents:

  1. Bank account intent
    • has training data for account number eg: [1234567890] (account_number)
  2. Personal Information intent
    • has phone number entity eg: [1234567890] (phone_number)

During interactive training it gets confused between account_number and phone_number, and recognizes phone number as account number and vice versa. Any suggestion how this scenario can be handled ?

Thanks in advance for your reply.

Hi there, the recommended way to do this is to have a collective intent inform which includes intent like providing a bank account number or phone number. You can pick up these entities without needing to annotate them by using the DucklingHTTPExtractor, which will pick up numbers very well. Then in a custom action, you can set either the bank account slot or the personal information slot to the number picked up by duckling based on the context of the conversation. Hope that helps.

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