I don’t seem to find any SocketIO, Asyncio, Websocket, Sanic related posts for Rasa 3.1 and above. The majority of posts related to troubleshooting asyncio related problems propose the solution of downgrading to Rasa 2.
- Is anybody at all using asyncio, blueprint, websocket with Rasa 3.1 or higher?
- It seems like using Sanic beyond version 21.12.2 crashes the entire environment. The latest version of Sanic is 23, unfortunately due to compatibility issues, none of the newer versions can be used.
- Currently only Rasa 3.0 runs really in a stable manner using Sanic, websockets, asyncio, etc… However, it is using Python 3.8 and 3.8 end of life is next year, so at some point folks would need to migrate out of Python 3.8. But only Rasa 3.1 and above runs on Python 3.9. This makes the future of Rasa rather bleak.
- Similarly, Websockets latest version is 11 but Rasa must use Websockets 10 otherwise it breaks.
- It appears that newer versions of Rasa (anything > 3.0) can only work with older versions of dependent packages. That goes of sqlachemy, python-socketio, python-engineio, etc. . .
Any suggestions? Any documentation? Any references out there? Any discussions on topics related to the above?
If anybody can shed some lights on the above, that would be greatly appreciated!