nlu training?

Good afternoon, I am learning rasa with version 2.0, but I have a question. I’m adding an intent to get the username: example: my mame is [sara] (user). When I test it, it works fine indeed. But if the user enters another name, it does not follow the corresponding flow. My question is how would I do in that case? How much training data should the nlu have? I don’t think I have to add all the combinations with all the names :sweat_smile:. Thank you.

Hello @Gino-Lopez12 and welcome to the forum :bouquet:

You can use Slots (Slots are your bot’s memory. They act as a key-value store which can be used to store information the user provided) and SlotSet for that ref: Domain or you can check this rasa github for slots and forms

PS: these examples are based on name, you can customise as per your need.