Next rule action not getting triggered when returning SlotSet in custom action

Hey, I have the following rule:

- rule: submit form
  - active_loop: user_offer_form
  - action: user_offer_form
  - active_loop: null
  - slot_was_set:
    - requested_slot: null
  - action: action_get_offer
  - action: utter_ask_deal

And here is the custom action:

class ActionGetOffer(Action):
    def name(self) -> Text:
        return "action_get_offer"

    def run(self,dispatcher,tracker: Tracker,domain: "DomainDict",) -> List[Dict[Text, Any]]:

        dispatcher.utter_message(text = "Ok! Let me see what I can do!")

        product_price = 500
        platform_bargain_percentage = 5
        vendor_bargain_percentage = 5
        max_bargain = platform_bargain_percentage + vendor_bargain_percentage

        offer_price = int(tracker.get_slot("price"))

        user_asked_percentage = (offer_price / product_price) * 100

        current_bargain = tracker.get_slot('current_bargain') + 2

        if user_asked_percentage > current_bargain:

            dispatcher.utter_message(text = "Okay so I just checked and sorry but we can't give away for that price!")

            if tracker.get_slot('current_bargain_price') == 0:
                current_bargain_price = (product_price - (((current_bargain)/100) * product_price))
                current_bargain_price = tracker.get_slot('current_bargain_price')

            if current_bargain <= max_bargain:
                dispatcher.utter_message(text = f"How about {str( product_price - (((current_bargain)/100) * product_price))}?")
                dispatcher.utter_message(text = "Hmm...wanna make a fresh offer then?")

            # dispatcher.utter_message(response = 'utter_ask_deal')
            return[SlotSet("current_bargain", value = float(current_bargain))]

And here is the utter_ask_deal:

    - text: "Ok with this deal?"
        - title: "Yup"
          payload: '/inform_intent{{"deal":"true"}}'
        - title: "Nope"
          payload: '/inform_intent{{"deal":"false"}}'

The rule is executing till action_get_offer but the utter_ask_deal is not getting executed, and the slot ‘current_bargain’ is also not getting updated.

Interestingly, when I’m not using SlotSet in the return statement but using it in the code directly, the next action is being executed but the slot is not updated in both cases.

Can someone help please?

Hi Praneeth can you show your domain? are you requiriring this slot in your form. Should be something like this:

            - type: from_entity

if it is a dynamic form, ie. the slot is not required until you’ve confirmed something. I think that is what you are doing here:

        if user_asked_percentage > current_bargain:

            dispatcher.utter_message(text = "Okay so I just checked and sorry but we can't give away for that price!")

            if tracker.get_slot('current_bargain_price') == 0:
                current_bargain_price = (product_price - (((current_bargain)/100) * product_price))
                current_bargain_price = tracker.get_slot('current_bargain_price')

            if current_bargain <= max_bargain:
                dispatcher.utter_message(text = f"How about {str( product_price - (((current_bargain)/100) * product_price))}?")
                dispatcher.utter_message(text = "Hmm...wanna make a fresh offer then?")

Check out form FormValidationAction in Forms and specifically dynamic form behaviour Forms. Otherwise I don´t belive you can reliably add required slots in a normal Action.