I am a 2 day old newbie needing pointers on setting up a mere state machine, aka a fixed “multiple choice” system as soon as possible. (in Rasa, of course). I need to convince the software engineers on my team that continuing to roll-their-own chat system is a waste of time.
One good model for what I am after seems to be this Rasa implementation: your profiled Canadian Dialog Virtual Clinic (e.g. Dialogue Virtual Clinic Chatbot | Rasa Showcase | Rasa). It seems to be built almost entirely on a happy path model because virtually all of the turns shown in the video do not offer free text type. User statements are almost entirely driven by clicking on what seem to be pre-engineered multiple choice chits. Right?
My best tack at convincing the engineers is to stand up a working replica of that happy path system they have already built. Just a plain ascii text bot would be fine. I want to show them how fast the set up is and simple and how elegant the stories, etc are.
Then later show them how extensible into real world context dependent dialogs can be supported.
We already have a working intent / mention NLU system with maybe 10 intents. Maybe 20 to 30 different dialog nodes.
So, I would appreciate any of the following:
- (a) key system terms/aspects to study first
- (b) what parts of the manual to read first
- (c) what videos to watch first
- (d) any shareable pointers you have about a system like the Canadian Dialog Virtual Clinic
- (e) any useful incantations to know when you have a chit based system
Believe me, I know full well that coding with state machines for supporting happy paths is the road to ruin.
But what I need to do is be convincing to the extremely pragmatic, fast moving, non NLP sophisticate engineers that the Rasa way will win in the short term over their own hackery.
For this reason, I am keen on reproducing the happy path system. Once I have won them over and we use Rasa then I can get us on the Right Track RE true contextually sensitive dialog stories etc.
I have little time to make my case to them. Hence I balk at reading the 170ish page manual in full before starting implementing. Hopefully I can be done in like, um, 3 days?
Thanks for any pointers for a quick start!