Need help rasa application deployment using azuredevop pipeline on Openshit or Keberneties using helmchart

I have source codes for rasa share by devloper ,i have to use azure devops pipeline deploy the rasa application deployment on openeshift using helm chat need some help what are the dockerfile require and the deploement files require for deploy the appliacation ,i go through the git repo there are lotoff files are uploaded which i am not able to understand i will be grate full if any one guid me step by step So that i can start the implementation

To deploy a Rasa application on OpenShift using Azure DevOps pipelines, you’ll need Dockerfile(s) for building Docker images and Kubernetes deployment files (e.g., YAML files) for deploying containers to OpenShift clusters. It’s essential to understand the project structure and configurations provided in the Git repository to customize the deployment process accordingly. If you need further guidance, consider reaching out to the project’s developers or seeking assistance from Azure DevOps and OpenShift communities.