I am following the instructions in the first video exactly.
She says that we must have these versions of rasa:
rasa version 2.1.3
rasa sdk version 2.1.2
However, after following her instructions for pip installing rasa I find I have this version:
rasa --version
rasa --version
Rasa Version : 2.8.9
Minimum Compatible Version: 2.8.9
Rasa SDK Version : 2.8.2
Rasa X Version : None
Python Version : 3.8.2
Operating System : macOS-10.15.7-x86_64-i386-64bit
My version of Rasa is beyond 3.0 (latest) and it does not accept md file, hence unable to train nlu. Can u please help on converting the file to yaml.
Can anybody share the complete syntax? I tried rasa dataconvert syntax which was there in rasaforum but the error states, “invalid nlu data”.