Hello everyone!,
I have some Issue using Rasa and MongoDB (tracker store). When I make a query in Python, they always brings 15 records less. I’ll show you some configuration detailed below:
- story: Flujo
steps: - intent: msg_inicial
- action: utter_asesor_en_linea
- action: contacto_cliente_form
- active_loop: contacto_cliente_form
- slot_was_set: - requested_slot: usuario_acepta_documentacion
- slot_was_set: - requested_slot: usuario_ingresa_rut
- slot_was_set: - requested_slot: razon_respuesta
- slot_was_set: - requested_slot: alternativa_solicitud
- slot_was_set: - requested_slot: adjuntar_documentos
- slot_was_set: - requested_slot: null
- active_loop: null
- action: action_despedida
- action: action_final
- action: action_restart
The action_final calls the function to query the MongoDB table.
class ActionFinal(Action):
def name(self) -> Text:
return "action_final" def run(self, dispatcher: CollectingDispatcher,
tracker: Tracker,
domain: Dict[Text, Any]) -> List[Dict[Text, Any]]:
derivar_ejecutivo = tracker.get_slot('derivar_ejecutivo')
razon_respuesta = tracker.get_slot('razon_respuesta')
vocalcom(derivar_ejecutivo, razon_respuesta) # Calling table in MongoDB
return [Restarted()]
def vocalcom(derivar_ejecutivo, razon_respuesta):
mongo = pymongo.MongoClient('mongodb://localhost', 27017)
dbase = mongo['COP16-DEV']
interaction = dbase['conversations']
interaction_bkp = dbase['conversations_bkp']
result = interaction.find({ 'latest_event_time': { '$exists': True } }).sort("latest_event_time", -1).limit(1)
is_ejecutivo = derivar_ejecutivo
respuesta_bool = False
texto_bot = ""
conv = []
for x in result:
for i in x['events']:
if i['event'] == 'bot':
if 'text' in x['events'][k]:
if 'Un ejecutivo' in i['text']:
respuesta_bool = 'Un ejecutivo' in i['text']
texto_bot = i['text']
print("Aqui va la respuesta: ", texto_bot)
timestamp_bot = i['timestamp']
date_boot = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp_bot)
print(i['text'], " :::::" + str(date_boot))
elif i['event'] == 'user':
if 'text' in x['events'][k]:
timestamp_user = i['timestamp']
date_user = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp_user)
print(i['text'], " :::::" + str(date_user))
k = k + 1 print(len(x['events']))
I am actually using Rasa 3.3.1, python 3.7.15, and creating a chatbot.
Thanks for any help!