My rasa version: 0.11.12.
I want to save chat history to mongodb, and I followed all the instructions. But it did not work out… Here’s what I did:
(1) set up endpoint.yml parameter tracker_store: store_type: mongod url: mongodb://localhost:27017 db: rasa collections: conversations
(2) start the mongodb instances: mongo.exe and mongod.exe
(3) executing rasa by employing this command in terminal: python -m --core models/dialogue --nlu models/current/nlu --endpoints endpoints.yml --credentials credentials.yml
Our team has decided to lock the version to rasa 0.11.12. We are very reluctant to update rasa_core because it will require months of work re-done since we have complicated customized slot actions and story. If we choose to update, there’s a risk that we might need to re-do them all.
Could anyone help us what to do next to make the chat history saved to the database?
Thank you