I am trying to use Microsoft Connector. But I am having an error : Exception when trying to handle message.Object of type coroutine is not JSON serializable
- Here is my rasa version :
- I run the rasa server locally with
rasa run --m models --credentials credentials.yml --endpoints endpoints.yml --port 5005
- I launch my action server with
rasa run actions --actions actions
- then, I run
ngrok http 5005
And I get the following error :
2019-06-05 16:28:03 INFO root - Starting Rasa Core server on http://localhost:5005
2019-06-05 16:28:11 INFO rasa.nlu.components - Added 'SpacyNLP' to component cache. Key 'SpacyNLP-fr'.
2019-06-05 16:28:38 INFO rasa.core.channels.botframework - Not received message type
2019-06-05 16:28:55 INFO rasa.core.channels.botframework - Not received message type
2019-06-05 16:28:57 ERROR rasa.core.channels.botframework - Exception when trying to handle message.Object of type coroutine is not JSON serializable
<home>\appdata\local\continuum\anaconda3\envs\rasaenv\lib\site-packages\rasa\core\channels\botframework.py:220: RuntimeWarning: coroutine 'BotFramework.prepare_message' was never awaited
RuntimeWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
My credentials file exists and is valid, So does the endpoints.yml.
It was working well when i was using rasa_core 0.14.4
and rasa_nlu 0.15.0
Is this a known issue ?