Medical bot do not recognize action

why when ı run my action the server did not recognize the actions and my code like that :

eqxu-aw4f is for hospitals

np3k-uatv is for nursing homes

9wzi-peqs is for home health agencies

ENDPOINTS = { “base”: “{}.json”,

"eqxu-aw4f": {
    "city_query": "?city={}",
    "zip_code_query": "?zip_code={}",
    "id_query": "?provider_id={}"
"np3k-uatv": {
    "city_query": "?provider_city={}",
    "zip_code_query": "?provider_zip_code={}",
    "id_query": "?federal_provider_number={}"
"9wzi-peqs": {
    "city_query": "?city={}",
    "zip_code_query": "?zip={}",
    "id_query": "?provider_number={}"


        "name": "hospital",
        "resource": "eqxu-aw4f"
        "name": "nursing home",
        "resource": "np3k-uatv"
        "name": "home health agency",
        "resource": "9wzi-peqs"


 def _create_path(base: Text, resource: Text,
             query: Text, values: Text) -> Text:
"""Creates a path to find provider using the endpoints."""

if isinstance(values, list):
    return (base + query).format(
        resource, ', '.join('"{0}"'.format(w) for w in values))
    return (base + query).format(resource, values)

 def _find_facilities(location: Text, resource: Text) -> List[Dict]:
"""Returns json of facilities matching the search criteria."""

if str.isdigit(location):
    full_path = _create_path(ENDPOINTS["base"], resource,
    full_path = _create_path(ENDPOINTS["base"], resource,

results = requests.get(full_path).json()
return results

def _resolve_name(facility_types, resource) ->Text:
for key , value in facility_types.items():
    if value.get("resource") == resource:
        return value.get("name",key)
return ""

             class FindFacilityTypes(Action):

              """This action class allows to display buttons for each facility type

        for the user to chose from to fill the facility_type entity slot."""

def name(self) -> Text:
    """Unique identifier of the action"""

    return "find_facility_types"

def run(self,
        dispatcher: CollectingDispatcher,
        tracker: Tracker,
        domain: Dict[Text, Any]) -> List:

    buttons = []
    for t in FACILITY_TYPES:
        facility_type = FACILITY_TYPES[t]
        payload = "/inform{\"facility_type\": \"" + facility_type.get(
            "resource") + "\"}"

            {"title": "{}".format(facility_type.get("name").title()),
             "payload": payload})

    # TODO: update rasa core version for configurable `button_type`
    dispatcher.utter_button_template("utter_greet", buttons, tracker)
    return []


    class FindHealthCareAddress(Action):
"""This action class retrieves the address of the user's
healthcare facility choice to display it to the user."""

def name(self) -> Text:
    """Unique identifier of the action"""

    return "find_healthcare_address"

def run(self,
        dispatcher: CollectingDispatcher,
        tracker: Tracker,
        domain: Dict[Text, Any]) -> List[Dict]:

    facility_type = tracker.get_slot("facility_type")
    healthcare_id = tracker.get_slot("facility_id")
    full_path = _create_path(ENDPOINTS["base"], facility_type,
    results = requests.get(full_path).json()
    if results:
        selected = results[0]
        if facility_type == FACILITY_TYPES["hospital"]["resource"]:
            address = "{}, {}, {} {}".format(selected["address"].title(),
        elif facility_type == FACILITY_TYPES["nursing_home"]["resource"]:
            address = "{}, {}, {} {}".format(selected["provider_address"].title(),
            address = "{}, {}, {} {}".format(selected["address"].title(),

        return [SlotSet("facility_address", address)]
        print("No address found. Most likely this action was executed "
              "before the user choose a healthcare facility from the "
              "provided list. "
              "If this is a common problem in your dialogue flow,"
              "using a form instead for this action might be appropriate.")

        return [SlotSet("facility_address", "not found")]

class FacilityForm(FormAction): “”“Custom form action to fill all slots required to find specific type of healthcare facilities in a certain city or zip code.”""

def name(self) -> Text:
    """Unique identifier of the form"""

    return "facility_form"

def required_slots(tracker: Tracker) -> List[Text]:
    """A list of required slots that the form has to fill"""

    return ["facility_type", "location"]

def slot_mappings(self) -> Dict[Text, Any]:
    return {"facility_type": self.from_entity(entity="facility_type",
            "location": self.from_entity(entity="location",

def submit(self,
           dispatcher: CollectingDispatcher,
           tracker: Tracker,
           domain: Dict[Text, Any]
           ) -> List[Dict]:
    """Once required slots are filled, print buttons for found facilities"""

    location = tracker.get_slot('location')
    facility_type = tracker.get_slot('facility_type')

    results = _find_facilities(location, facility_type)
    button_name = _resolve_name(FACILITY_TYPES, facility_type)
    if len(results) == 0:
            "Sorry, we could not find a {} in {}.".format(button_name,
        return []

    buttons = []
    # limit number of results to 3 for clear presentation purposes
    for r in results[:3]:
        if facility_type == FACILITY_TYPES["hospital"]["resource"]:
            facility_id = r.get("provider_id")
            name = r["hospital_name"]
        elif facility_type == FACILITY_TYPES["nursing_home"]["resource"]:
            facility_id = r["federal_provider_number"]
            name = r["provider_name"]
            facility_id = r["provider_number"]
            name = r["provider_name"]

        payload = "/inform{\"facility_id\":\"" + facility_id + "\"}"
            {"title": "{}".format(name.title()), "payload": payload})

    if len(buttons) == 1:
        message = "Here is a {} near you:".format(button_name)
        if button_name == "home health agency":
            button_name = "home health agencie"
        message = "Here are {} {}s near you:".format(len(buttons),

    # TODO: update rasa core version for configurable `button_type`
    dispatcher.utter_button_message(message, buttons)

    return []

class ActionChitchat(Action): “”“Returns the chitchat utterance dependent on the intent”""

def name(self) -> Text:
    """Unique identifier of the action"""

    return "action_chitchat"

def run(self,
        dispatcher: CollectingDispatcher,
        tracker: Tracker,
        domain: Dict[Text, Any]) -> List:

    intent = tracker.latest_message['intent'].get('name')

    # retrieve the correct chitchat utterance dependent on the intent
    if intent in ['ask_builder', 'ask_weather', 'ask_howdoing',
                  'ask_howold', 'ask_languagesbot', 'ask_restaurant',
                  'ask_time', 'ask_wherefrom', 'ask_whoami',
                  'handleinsult', 'telljoke', 'ask_whatismyname']:
        dispatcher.utter_template('utter_' + intent, tracker)

    return []

sorry, it is impossible to look through what you posted. Could you please format it. Also please clarify what error do you experience

i have modify but the class would not be move ı wish the be clear for you so my code is similar to demo medical bot I only change the api call correspond to recent up date but when I tape “rasa run action” it the action in server but I do not see the name of my actions as form action and so on how can solve that issue and also when I tape "rasa run actions -vv " the same think ??? it does not recognize all my actions why ::::::::::?

could you post here the exact error you see in cmdline?

      in my terminal that what I saw when write " rasa run actions "
 2019-08-15 13:23:59 INFO     rasa_sdk.endpoint  - Starting action endpoint 
 2019-08-15 13:24:04 INFO     rasa_sdk.endpoint  - Action endpoint is up 
   and running. on   ('', 5055)

no name of my actions ??

            but when I run the demo my terminal identify the actions 

     python3 -m rasa_core_sdk.endpoint --actions actions
       2019-08-15 13:31:49 INFO     __main__  - Starting action endpoint server...
       2019-08-15 13:31:49 INFO     rasa_core_sdk.executor 

        - Registered function for   'find_facility_types'.
       2019-08-15 13:31:49 INFO     rasa_core_sdk.executor  

      - Registered function for           'find_healthcare_address'.

     2019-08-15 13:31:49 INFO     rasa_core_sdk.executor  - 
     Registered function for 'action_chitchat'.

      2019-08-15 13:31:49 INFO     rasa_core_sdk.executor  
     - Registered function for 'facility_form'.

      2019-08-15 13:31:54 INFO     __main__  
     - Action endpoint is up and running. on ('', 5055)


what is the name of the file where your custom actions are? If you just use rasa run actions it should be Actions

yes my file name

ok, but what is the log when you talk to the bot?

sorry I could not understand what you mean but when I use rasa shell the first things must display the buttons but I see nothings the msg that display for the bot continu run action s…

sorry, I don’t understand what you mean. Could you please rephrase

could you please run rasa shell --debug and post the whole output of it

Your input -> hey

  2019-08-15 15:46:48 DEBUG   
       rasa.core.agent  - Created a new lock for conversation 'default'

 2019-08-15 15:46:48 DEBUG  
        rasa.core.tracker_store  - Creating a new tracker for id 'default'.

 2019-08-15 15:46:49 DEBUG    
   - Received user message 
    'hey' with intent '{'name': 'greet', 'confidence': 0.9710147380828857}'      and entities '[]'

     2019-08-15 15:46:49 DEBUG 
asa.core.processor  - Logged UserUtterance - tracker now has 2 events

    2019-08-15 15:46:49 DEBUG  


 - Current tracker state
    [None, None, None, {}, {'intent_greet': 1.0, 'prev_action_listen': 1.0}]

    2019-08-15 15:46:49 DEBUG   

     rasa.core.policies.memoization  - There is a memorised next action '9'

   2019-08-15 15:46:49 DEBUG  
            rasa.core.policies.form_policy  - There is no active form

      2019-08-15 15:46:49 DEBUG   


     - Predicted next action using policy_0_MemoizationPolicy

      2019-08-15 15:46:49 DEBUG   

       rasa.core.processor  - 
             Predicted next action 'find_facility_types' with confidence 1.00.

           2019-08-15 15:46:49 DEBUG  
      rasa.core.actions.action  -

     Calling action endpoint to run action 'find_facility_types'.

        2019-08-15 15:46:49 ERROR  


   - Encountered an exception while running action 'find_facility_types'. 

          Bot will continue, but the actions events are lost.

     Make sure to fix the exception in your custom code.

    2019-08-15 15:46:49 DEBUG  

       rasa.core.processor  - Failed to execute custom action.

in action server

         "No registered Action found for name '{}'.".format(action_name)

           Exception: No registered Action found for name 'facility_form'.

it refers to that line in my actions :slightly_smiling_face:

       message = "Here are {} {}s near you:".format(len(buttons,button_name)  

why I could not see the buttons ???

I am the same problem, was a solution ever provided?

2020-02-21 17:07:32 DEBUG rasa_sdk.executor - Received request to run ‘findfacilitytypes’

2020-02-21 17:07:32 ERROR rasa_sdk.endpoint - No registered action found for name ‘findfacilitytypes’.

2020-02-21 17:07:32 ERROR rasa.core.processor - Encountered an exception while running action ‘findfacilitytypes’. Bot will continue, but the actions events are lost. Please check the logs of your action server for more information.

2020-02-21 17:07:32 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Failed to execute custom action.