"Loop" question on rasa

I’m having a problem that my chatbot is responsible to answer questions about a topic, but in order to avoid rebooting the conversation in case the user have more than one question, I would like to keep a question in a type of “loop” and if the user shows to the bot that they have no more questions, it end the conversation. I was thinking about something like: bot: - What’s your question? user: - question x. bot: - answer to question x. bot: - any other question? user - question y. bot: - answer to question y. bot: - any other question? user: - no more question. bot: - ends conversation…

I would really appreciate if someone could tell me a way of coding this.

Thanks for the help in advance.

I think I should work with categorical type slots too so that they have an influence on the conversation.

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In this one I’m sending, I did the following, there’s the form, the user responds something different than expected, he sends utter_continua to find out if the user wants to come back. I believe your path is out there

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Hey there, thanks for the help so far. I’ll try to use this logic and hopefully it will solve my problem Thanks again.

Agora que eu vi. Brasil tb? :joy:

Brasil também, tô fazendo meu TCC utilizando o Rasa, travei nessa parte :sweat_smile: