Hey guys! I have a name.txt file in my data folder and i’m using it as a db for names. I was wondering is it possible I can also add respective user_id with these values? like see
Or maybe someone can suggest me some other way coz I need to add matching data.
I don’t think this will work right! Can I add dictionaries or lists in lookup table?
what else can I add? How can I add a tabular files?
UPDATE: i have created a dictionary of these values like this
Hey @Tobias_Wochinger I solved the id issue but my nlu is not recognizing the name from the input. It’s only taking those names which are there in my nlu_data and not in the lookup table. How to get bot use the lookup table? I have linked the lookup table in nlu data with the path and added some examples from lookup to nlu data but still not recognizing! Thanks for reply