Leading questions?

Let say I want to code a dialog along the following lines :

- do you want to try an exercise ?
> ok
- do you want to try random example ?
> yes
Ex: here goes :  x = 5; print x + 7,
Q: what do you expect the result to be ? 
> 12
- Correct :) .. do you want to try another one?
> yes
- Ex: .....

The problem is that the dialog is lead by the bot i.e. it is :

action => intent

rather than :

intent => action

how do you handle those ?

You can handle this with a form action.

you can still handle this with a story like -

   - utter_exercise
* affirm
   - utter_ask_random_example
* affirm
   - pick_random_example
* user_answer
   - verify_answer
   - utter_one_more_example
* affirm

The trick is that you can start the story with a bot action

can you do that ? i mean story starting with bot action ! how would then be this triggered !??

how does the bot knows to use this !!