Considering how many config files Rasa has (nlu, policy, rules, endpoints, etc.) I’d like to keep them all in a /config sub-directory. What’s the best way to do this?
I am not using 2.0, so if the config files get consolidated in 2.0 great, but in the mean time, I do need to know how to move these files without breaking rasa.
Thanks for the input. I guess your motivation is to keep your repo organised?
Personally, I wouldn’t describe the nlu (or stories) files as config files, they are training data. I can see where you are coming from, but since we’ve already added support for this in 2.0 it’s very unlikely we would build this feature into an older release.
Sorry if I wasn’t clear, I only meant yaml files (not training) ie., nlu.yml, config.yml, policies.yml, rules.yml, etc.
I understand these files are changing a lot and was just wondering if it was possible for us to get them all into a subdirectory so we don’t have root directory sprawl.
I understand from your answer that’s not really supported pre-2.0.
Thanks for the reply (much appreciated Alan) and we are very much looking forward to trying out version 2.0!