I am currently trying to implement EntitySynonymMapper with Lookup tables. What I have setup so far in my training data is the lookup table for the entity category and entity_synonyms as mentioned here NLU Training Data
I also added EntitySynonymMapper to my Config file.
The issue is, that my Entities still only get properly recognized if I use the exact spelling from the lookup tables. If I mention alternative spellings that are mentioned in my entity_synoyms it does not get picked up.
Anything I am missing?
Example: I have in my category lookup table a category named Infrastructure and I created a synonym in my training data like so:
- passive infrastructure
- Infra
- infrastructure
training data for the intent Inform looks like so:
- I want to retrieve the category Devices
- Can you get me the category Infrastructure
- Can I get the Category Hardware
My config: config.yml (513 Bytes)
Now If I type the exact phrase Can you get me the category Infrastructure, It works correctly, but if I type: Can you get me the category Infra, it does not detectet Infra as the entity Infrastructure.
Any help is appreciated, if there is a better method of going about this entirely, Im also open.
End goal is to simply ask the user to provide a category and then using that category for a database query.