Is there any alternative of duckling?

Rasa v 0.15 change log states that " * SpacyEntityExtractor supports same entity filtering as DucklingHTTPExtractor" but if sentence has ‘time’ entity then values identified by spacy entity extractor are just the text values(ex. 7pm) and not the real time values (2019-05-03T07.00.00) as identified by duckling

Duckling goes one step further and tries to parse the text into actual time. You can achieve the same effect by writing a custom component using some text parsing library like dateparser.

I want to get duration entities also.

Another reason is that SpacyEntityExtractor parses 9am as CARDINAL entity with value 9 and 7am as TIME with value 7am. So it’s very ambigous.

I am looking for something which can give similar results as duckling.

Why not use duckling itself?

We can’t use duckling in our internal environment.

It is unlikely that another library will be written that does exact same thing that Duckling does since Duckling already exists. Is there a reason you can’t use Duckling? If you’re using micro-services, you should be able to run Haskell in a service.

because we dont want to run one more server just for date and time parsing

You can use Spacy for extraction and then feed those values to some parser like dateparser. However, keep in mind that this system is not as sophisticated as Duckling. It will fail while parsing time ranges.