Introduce yourself!

Hey, y’all! I’m Owen, a data science student at Lambda School. I’m building a bot to provide better search and contextual auto-suggestion for Slack users. I’m passionate about meditation and social bots.

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Hi, I am Abdelkrim based in Brussels, Belgium. I am running

I am building a bot enabling companies to manage the dunning services.

I prefer open-source software that I can deploy on-premise: RASA is the best-fit.

I am struggling today with the deployment of RASA due to UI constraints on Telegram or Slack: to display more than five buttons on a screen makes the bot unusable :frowning:

Any Belgian reader? Contact me to overcome my challenges


Hi i m Tushar,

I am new here to use rasa for my new sentiment project but can’t use rasa as i am facing issues with rasa, i have already googled many articles already and already raised topic on form on this, but there is no solution till now so it will be great if you can do something about this.

Hi everyone! My name is Eduardo, I’m from México, I’m a professor and researcher at a public university, and my research interests are digital arts and creative industries. I’m a fan of Python (as well of Monty Python :smiley:), and I want to combine cultural and creative research with apps development. I discover Rasa (and Spacy) from a book of NLP I bought last year, and I loved the two frameworks. I want to build a virtual assistant for art galleries and museums. Cheers!

Hi @Ed1981! Welcome to the Rasa Community! :slight_smile: Just curious, what was the title of the book you learned about Rasa?

Hi @Juste, and thanks for welcoming! The book is Building Chatbots with Python, by Sumit Raj. It is a somewhat short book (about 200 pages), and it covers Spacy (chapter 2), DialogFlow (chapter 3) and Rasa NLU (chapter 4). Cheers!

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Hi, everyone that i know calls me Pan. I am a pursuing my master degree in computer science in the Goethe-University in Frankfurt Germany and am currently writing my masters thesis about chatbots in education. We hope to make student lives easier in the future by providing a place to gather and distribute knowledge.

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Howdy! :cowboy_hat_face:

I’m Brandon “Bub” Janes, originally from Austin, Texas but now living in Córdoba, Argentina where I work as a python developer in data science and artificial intelligence for a company called Kunan, which specializes in Open Source software.

My background is in journalism. I wrote for several Texas newspapers before moving to Argentina, and I had a blog about Freedom of Information and Freedom of Expression issues, I also love math and playing the fiddle.

In 2019, while taking a course in computational linguistics at the Universidad de Córdoba, I stumbled onto Rasa. It seemed to answer all of my problems at once; LSTM, dialogue manager and it’s open source! I am now building virtual assistants for companies in Argentina and beyond. I have big plans in 2020, among them contributing to the cause of conversational AI for Rasa.

Please feel free to reach out to me if you are looking for someone to collaborate with!


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Hi everyone!

My name is Ido and I’m the training services director for, which is located in Israel.

I’m a learning experience specialist with a heavy technical background that’s looking to innovate in the field of corporate training & learning and I’ve been working with Rasa for the past 4 months building a chatbot to enhance employees’ learning experiences.

Rasa has built a great community around itself and I hope to become a part of it.

Thanks everyone and good luck!

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Hi buddies, this is Kiran, I am working as data science enabler at CallHealth, technology enabled healthcare startup in India, CallHealth trying to provide health care services across the corners of India, I am building a chatbot which can handle multiple user queries and guide them to relevant services as quickly as possible, I used to work on building flows and dialogues in js but I’m familiar with python, so I one of my colleague suggested me RASA, I am contributing to RASA now, I made few tutorials which can explain how to use RASA endpoints using Postman, I am also contributing in GitHub docs to give clear guidance to new users of RASA about intent building, custom entity recognition etc. Great thought and looking forward to hear more from RASA.

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Nice, Rui! I’m from Brazil too, working on a chatbot solution for customer support on an edtech. Are you in brazilian rasa group yet? Maybe we can share ideias !

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Hi everyone!

I’m Luan, and I’m from the north of Brazil but nowadays working in Sao Paulo on an edtech. I’m quite new to data science (~ 1 year) but I’ve been programming for more time. We look for customer support here.

We were looking for chatbot solutions when I’ve found this amazing project called Rasa, which not only open source and well structured but well documented and with a very active community. You guys are doing such an amazing contribution to everyone, and I hope to contribute to it soon :slight_smile:


Hi :wave: My name is François. I am a 25 y.o. Civil engineer. I was born and raised in France, did part of my curriculum in Cape Town, South Africa and recently moved to Toronto, Ontario for business purposes. My mission is to make knowledge and information more accessible for construction businesses, which explains my deep interest in human machine interfaces - including chatbots. I am building one project right now to help builders with safety regulations search.


Hey @Tushar what exactly your problem is ? can you please brief me about your issue, So that I can help you tackle this issue

Hey everyone,

So many new faces here from all over the world, welcome! :star_struck:

You’re now part of a community of over 8,000 forum members and over 350 open source contributors!

So let’s start exploring right away - this forum is a great place to:

What should I do next?

  1. We want to promote a friendly and positive experience for our global community, and create a space for open and meaningful discussions. To support us in maintaining this, please review our Code of Conduct.

  2. If you have a question for our team, here are some tips to help speed up the response.

  3. If you are new to Rasa, check out the 4-step tutorial on our docs. Then level up with the Rasa Masterclass and build your own conversational AI assistant!

We are super excited to have you in our open-source community and look forward to seeing you around!


Hi, I am Sharath. I manage We create chatbots for our customers. We are building a cool chatbot as our in-house product. I am just exploring the possibilities with Rasa. I am not very clear about the rasa licence and t&c. I am not sure if we can use rasa commercially! If anyone can help me with the rasa licence and t&c, it would be great. I am looking forward to use rasa for our product and contribute back to the rasa community (figuring out how :slight_smile: . Thanks, Sharath

Hello, I am pretty blind. So I hope this is right. I came after commenting on your GitHub , thinking it was Somebody else’s. They had asked for Docker AWS help implementing your Github … Here is the Discord Thread:

Hello i am cecilia currently working as a finance manager. I discovered RASA 3 months ago and am really looking forward to contribute in it.

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Hi everyone!

Diego Rojas here, Co-Founder and CTO at mattrvest, we are young fintech startup working in the sustainable finance space, building an ecosystem for it across the EU.

I’ve been working for more than a decade now in Fintech in different countries, now with the aim to have a higher impact decided to build mattrvest, adding sustainability to financial services.

I’ve been working for a while in NLP, using DialogFlow, AWS Lex and lately Chatfuel and others to build simple interfaces and flows.

Really in love with Rasa and all it has to offer. Also really aligned with your mission guys.


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Hey people I’m Malik Usman doing an internship on data science and in these days i’m building chatbot using rasa framework and i came to know about rasa from one of my senior data scientist in an office and looking forward to grow myself in chatbot field with the help of you guyz :slight_smile: :slight_smile: