Hi I just installed python3.8 after tHAt when i try to install rasa THİS error came to screen.
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tensorflow-addons<=0.12,>=0.10 (from rasa) (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for tensorflow-addons<=0.12,>=0.10 (from rasa)
I dont understand anything cause I just started programming. I am really new to everything. I will be very happy if you guys help me!! What should I do HELP???
Python 3.8 is only supported from version 2.0 onwards. If you’re installing an older version, please use python 3.7. It’s best to install with a virtual environment, as described in our installation docs
Thank you! But now I have a new problem. Now I watched your youtube video. How will I get the data directory? I dont have any of “.md” files or “.yml” files in my documents.