if I try to connect rasa with telegram then what will happen to databases and rasa it self…how would it work in other devices ???
You need to serve your Rasa bot on a server and connect it using the Telegram API. If you are using Rasa X, then you can view all your conversations from all the different platforms at one place.
You can use it on multiple platforms by adding credentials for the different chat platforms. See Rasa X Installation Guide to get started.
So you are saying if I connect rasa with rasax…then it can be accessed from multiple platforms…anyone from another place can chat with the bot…but what about the endpoints that we use it to be in a localhost
Ok, so you are hosting your bot in your device itself. To make it available for your users, it should be made available in the Internet. If you insist on using your localhost, you can use something like ngrok to serve your bot over the Internet. The rest of the step would be similar to what it is mentioned in the doc.
I hope I cleared your query.
ya thanks even tho i dont know how to use ngrok lol…does that costs too??
ngrok has a free version. But I would suggest you to host on a server like Google Cloud Platform. It is relatively cheap but for testing and basic use, ngrok is fine.
the problem with me is not the cost i could afford most of it…its just that my country card is not available for other contries which keeps me from anything to do online,am looking for those websites that does not ask for credit card
Then the best option would be to use ngrok which lets you use your computer to serve your Rasa bot over the Internet
thank you so much…is there any tutorial for that??
Yes there is Connecting to Messaging and Voice Channels
You can check this out!
thank you…here i developed a simple chatbot and integrate with a chat wedge in html,then i deployed that website but the chat wont replay cuz it is online,in what way should i use the ngrok to make that deployed webchat to be able to respond when is it online…“https://rasachatbot.netlify.app/” this is the webchat i deployed but it does not have a response…i try to read ngrok but it talks about another channels and it made me confused
I thought you were hosting on your machine. If you have hosted your bot on Netlify, then you do not need Ngrok
then how can i make it to be accesable to other users over the internet?
You can use the external connectors, here is the doc for connecting to Facebook Messenger
You can check it for how you can connect with other platforms too.
does that costs too??
No, Telegram and Facebook all are free. You can connect to it easily. Please refer the docs.
but u said the dns part costs
If you have a domain name from Netlify, then you can use that. But if you are using an IP address without a domain name, then it would cost.
ow i have a domain from netlify…u mean this https://rasachatbot.netlify.app/??? but what would happen to the database…assume i connect with telegram but when the chatbot collects a user information am using a xampp database and it is on localhost…what about that?..can they be able to access a database?
You may also need to host that on the Internet. It should be accessible by the bot. I would suggest you test it out and see.