How to use OR in entities of stories

Hi, I need to call an action when some specific entities appear in the user phrase with certain intent. With one entity I’m using:

- story: keyDescription
  - intent: description
    - concept: "key"
  - action: keyDescriptionAction

but I don’t know if I can write:

- story: keyDescription
  - intent: description
    - concept: "key" OR "dniE" OR "place"
  - action: keyDescriptionAction

¿Is it correct? ¿Is there any other option? ¿What about if I need differente entities with diferente values? Thanks.

Hi @Adrian, thanks for the question, how about adding multiple stories to cover the multiple entities? If there is more complex logic, then setting up Custom Actions might be the way to go. Hope this helps.

Hi, I found a solution for this case. Rasa docs: Training Data Format

Example in docs:

- story:
  - intent: greet
  - action: utter_greet
  - intent: tell_name
  - or:
    - slot_was_set:
        - name: joe
    - slot_was_set:
        - name: bob
  # ... next actions