How to use local model to Rasa X

i have local model but can’t use model in rasa x. i mean how to use my local files to rasa x. So how to do that?

@ganbaa_elmer can you share your rasa --version.

Pointers for you:

  1. You can upload the trained model, but for that, you need all the related files for the same such as nlu training data, stories, domain, etc.
  2. Rasa X is designed based on : Rasa X is intended to be deployed on a server and not to a personal/local machine. Deploying on a server is recommended because Rasa X is designed to stay up continuously, and not to be frequently stopped or restarted.
  3. So, if you want to use the local model you need all files to be pushed to rasa x i.e all related files on which model was trained need to be push using Git or Github, for that you need to connect to them. Please see this video: Connecting Rasa X and GitHub | Rasa Tutorials - YouTube

I hope these pointers will help you.

my rasa --version is:

Rasa Version : 2.8.16

Minimum Compatible Version: 2.8.9

Rasa SDK Version : 2.8.3

Rasa X Version : 0.42.6

Python Version : 3.8.12

Operating System : Linux-5.11.0-41-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.17

Python Path : /home/otgoo-ubuntu/anaconda3/envs/rasa/bin/python

@ganbaa_elmer Did you understand the pointers I had shared with you?