How to stop utterence response based on slot value

Hi , currently i making a retail bot to get user feedback. I need my bot to not utterence response when user say deny (e.g say No) just like the stories: feedback stop flow below . But it does not happen to my bot

example :

Your input → feedback
Bot: Would you like to provide us on feedback on our service with misty, Please awnswer yes or no to move on.

When customer say “NO” or Deny :

Your input → no
Bot: Hey, Sorry that it does not meet your expectation we will do our best to improve the experience in future. <<-- This utter should be skipped if user say no btw this was the response based on conditional response variation ref : How to adjust chatbot responses based on sentiment - #4 by JulianGerhard

This is the validation Form in

class ValidateFeedbackForm(FormValidationAction):
def name(self) -> Text:
    return "validate_feedback_form"

async def validate_confirm_feedback(
    value: Text,
    dispatcher: CollectingDispatcher,
    tracker: Tracker,
    domain: Dict[Text, Any],
) -> Dict[Text, Any]:
    if value:
        return {"confirm_feedback": True}
        return {"feedback": "None", "confirm_feedback": False }


  - type: from_intent
    intent: affirm
    value: True
  - type: from_intent
    intent: deny
    value: False
  - type: from_intent
    intent: inform
    value: True
  - type: from_text
    intent: info_feedback


  • story: Activate feedback form happy path steps:

    • intent: customer_feedback
    • action: feedback_form
    • active_loop: feedback_form
  • story: feedback stop steps:

    • intent: customer_feedback
    • action: feedback_form
    • active_loop: feedback_form
    • intent: deny
    • action: action_deactivate_loop
    • active_loop: null
    • action: action_restart
  • story: feedback continue steps:

    • intent: customer_feedback
    • action: feedback_form
    • active_loop: feedback_form
    • intent: affirm
    • action: feedback_form
    • action: utter_based_on_sentiment

Hope someone can provide me a little help here thanks

@BELIEVEIT Hi! Are you sure your form declaration is in right format whilst using from_intent? Forms

Sorry I missed out the forms: part while copy and paste from my domain.yml .