Hi , i need to apply sentiment analysis to a slot called feedback from getting user provided text through the form and the bot will need to utter different type of message based on the sentiment values (pos, neu , neg) through custom action e.g through the dispatcher.utter_message(template=“utter_based_on_sentiment”)
can anyone provide me with reference or guide me how can i do it ?
I found a reference from post but i not sure how to implment which post by : JulianGerhard
i have a form in rules.yml which flow to ActionSubmitFeedback Action Class when form is filled with a feedback slot to save as slot from user text . How can i change my code in action to let my chatbot utterance different messge based on the feedback slot .
Hi koaning yes , i did and also implemented but didn’t show here , i think i have i solved my problem which i asked. Current now i faced another challenge is to obtain the slot value the sentiment that was predicted by my custom component and i not sure is this the right way to do it and i tested by running the action to pass to utterance but it cache my old response >.< i does not know why