I have this in my web page and everything is working great for all of the normal actions and intents, but I want to send the IP address back to actions.py from the Web page. Can I do that in customData like below? The variable ip has the user’s IP address. If so, how to I get the ipaddress data in actions.py.
selector: “#webchat”,
initPayload: “/get_started”,
customData: {“language”: “en”, “ipaddress”: ip}, // arbitrary custom data. Stay minimal as this will be added to the socket
socketUrl: “https://chat.myexample.com”,
socketPath: “/socket.io/”,
title: “My Title”,
subtitle: “My Subtitle”,
Obviously you can transfer whatever data you want, the only change is that you need to make the channel a custom channel,
In the channel you can add something like this (in the Input class that is written as something like:
class YourNameSocketIOInput(InputChannel):
add whatever data you want to the json, parse it and transfer it to the metadata field:
if "customData" in data and isinstance(data["customData"], dict):
user_token = data["customData"]
user_token = None
message = UserMessage(
data["message"], output_channel, sender_id, input_channel=self.name(), metadata=user_token
then to access the metadata:
def get_meta_data(tracker: Tracker):
events = tracker.current_state()['events']
user_events = []
for e in events:
if e['event'] == 'user':
meta = user_events[-1]['metadata']
return meta
return None