How to Replace/Update Slot's Value

Hi i have a scenario to achieve here

so i want to update a value of a slot, how can i achive that?


User: Hey i need help 1

Bot: What can i help you

User: (NOTE: this user’s answer saved in slot named PROBLEM) blablablabla…

Bot: Bot gives the solution 1

User: I need help again 2

Bot: What can i help you

User: (NOTE: this user’s answer saved in slot named PROBLEM) blablablabla…

Bot: Bot gives the solution 2

the bold part are not working because slot value for problem aren’t null, and what happened is like this


User: Hey i need help 1

Bot: What can i help you

User: (NOTE: this user’s answer saved in slot named PROBLEM) blablablabla…

Bot: Bot gives the solution 1

User: I need help again 2

Bot: What can i help you

User: (skipped because the action_loop detect the PROBLEM slot is not null)

Bot: Bot gives the solution 1 (gives the solution for the first problem not the second problem)

You can reset the slot after the help intent, before activating the form. Here’s a possible scenario that uses rules:

- rule: activate help form
  - intent: user_needs_help
  - action: action_reset_problem
  - action: help_form
  - active_loop: help_form

- rule: submit help form
  - active_loop: help_form
  - action: help_form
  - active_loop: null
  - slot_was_set:
    - requested_slot: null
  - action: action_provide_help

Thanks for the answer, i wanna ask about this part - action: action_reset_problem

have i made that part using custom action or something like rasa built in action to reset the problem slot?

This will be a custom action that resets the problem slot. Here’s how it will look:

class ActionResetProblem(Action):

    def name(self) -> Text:
        return "action_reset_problem"

    def run(self, dispatcher: CollectingDispatcher,
            tracker: Tracker,
            domain: Dict[Text, Any]) -> List[Dict[Text, Any]]:

        return [SlotSet("problem", None)]
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Oh thats nice, thanks for your help sir, let me try that

Its work, thank you very much for your help

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