How to read attachment files on slack channel in rasa?

Hi community , I am creating a Rasa bot on slack channel and want to extract details if an user sends an attachment to the bot

Hi Amit, what have you tried so far?

Hi Melinda , I connected rasa bot to slack via ngrok ! Did all connections in credentials.yml file Wanted to know if user sends some attachment at slack side , how we can track or see it at Rasa side ?

Hi @mloubser , Can we have some sort of solution for this ? I am working on some critical issue and needs to be urgently addressed Please assist

What I mean is what have you tried for extracting the attachment? that’s going to depend on the Slack API and how you’re using it.

Hi @mloubser , I tried extracting messages from slack by tracking metadata from slack using tracker of RASA , but no luck ! Is there any direct method to track slack messages in RASA ?

Regards , Amit Mishra

Hi @mloubser , Any luck on this ?

Regards, Amit

Can you post the actual code you are using? The slack connector takes care of regular text, image, and button messages, but if you’re trying to do something else with it, I’d need to see what code you added/changed.

I have given slack channel details in config.yml for connection Wrote a simple custom action to track messages using entities Also whenever bot receives message on slack side , it gives

Hi @mloubser , Any updates ?

You haven’t added any handling for file attachments. Most likely you will need to implement a custom connector (subclassing the SlackInput channel) that takes care of this.

Can you guide me through the process of achieving this ? @mloubser