hey @ahhirsha I guess you have modified the script.js
of the chatbot widget or you are using the older version of the chatbot widget, the createCollapsible
is missing, please use the latest Chatbot widget UI:
thanks @JiteshGaikwad it’s working fine now
welcome @ahhirsha
@JiteshGaikwad - Can you please answer the question which was raised by @giorgio since am also looking for the solution of this. Would be really thankful if you can reply. If creating charts is dynamically not possible using your solution. Do let me know so that we look for other options.
I got the solution!! The solution has been documented by @JiteshGaikwad itself in the project. Today only, i noticed he has explained this in his project docs folder -> docs/responses.md.
add following lines in actions.py file and then you can create chart dynamically
sick = 20 casual = 10 earned = 24 flexi = 2
data={ “title”: “Leaves”, “labels”: [ “Sick Leave”, “Casual Leave”, “Earned Leave”, “Flexi Leave” ], “backgroundColor”: [ “#36a2eb”, “#ffcd56”, “#ff6384”, “#009688”, “#c45850” ], “chartsData”: [ sick, casual, earned, flexi ], “chartType”: “pie”, “displayLegend”: “true” }
message={ “payload”: “chart”, “data”: data }
dispatcher.utter_message(text=“Here are your leave balance details”,json_message=message)
Hi @JiteshGaikwad, can you please tell me how to add an avatar next to every bot’s utterance, but not on the headline ?
I know how to add one, but it automatically appends it next to the UI title.
sir can you help in css to implement hyperlink in rasa chatbot it is working in rasa x but not in browser when implemented in css and js librarymaterialize.min.css (138.5 KB) style.css (14.1 KB)
it is working in rasax please kindly help and if possible rasa team please help in resolving issue if required i will share domain.ml file
Is it the same syntax for pdf file attachment? Can you please help me with the code for pdf attachment on how to define both in domain.yml and actions.py please?
hello is it possible if you share your codes here? because i tried using the collapsible widget but it’s not working, please help me out!!