How to place a video in Rasa Chatbot

I tried many ways but I’m not getting the video in Rasa Chat. How to write custom function to display video in rasa chatbot.

I guess it depends of your frontend. If it supports markdown, you probably can use the markdown syntax.

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@n2718281 Can I have code so that I may get some Idea how should I write.

Something like that

[![Image legend](](

or like that if you use GitHub - botfront/rasa-webchat: A chat widget for Rasa and Botfront

 type: video
  title: "Link name"
  src: ""
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where should I insert this code?

In the responses part of domain.yml (if I understood correctly what you wanted to do)

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when I placed code:

      type: video
        title: "Link name"
        src: ""

I got this error:

FutureWarning: Templates should not be strings anymore. Utterance template 'utter_features' should contain either a '- text: ' or a '- custom: ' attribute to be a proper template.
  utter_templates = cls.collect_templates(data.get("responses", {}))

You need to add that just before attachment if I remember correctly:

- custom: