How to handle buttons payload for the Google Assistant


I get the response from Rasa to as menntioned below.

{‘recipient_id’: ‘ABwppHGMuSpS-0usqfhnP1pAhgk5gC1WDhjF9kPRCG6JTlQWtj2z2lMi34kfgYIJAALGp3-KqE-R1d4’, ‘text’: ‘Hey! How are you?’, ‘buttons’: [{‘title’: ‘great’, ‘payload’: ‘/mood_great’}, {‘title’: ‘super sad’, ‘payload’: ‘/mood_sad’}]}

I want to know how to handle button payload in google assistant. I know how to handle text and images.

“buttons”: [{‘title’: ‘Button Text’, “openUrlAction”: { “url”: “” }}],

this way I am able to call url but how to handle button payload like call intent.

@SagarThengadi check this out

Thanks for early reply. I want to know how to handle button payload in Google Assistant. I know how to handle button payload in RASA.

@SagarThengadi sorry I haven’t worked with the latest version of google assistant, so I don’t have much information on this.

How to build voice based assistant in Rasa? Can you please provide a sample demo if it is possible?

Check this playlist Voice Bot using Rasa & Botium Speech Processing: Voice Bot using Rasa & Botium Speech Processing - YouTube

Thanks for the reply and sharing the YouTube URL and GitHub repository URL.