How to format links/URLs Retrieval Actions of Response Selector?

How to properly format links in file?
I have mentioned like this.

and this is the output in telegram channel.[ Even in Webchat UI, the links are not being formatted properly for Retreival Actions ] image

Hi @Akhil!

Does telegram supports markdown formatting?

Hi @saurabh-m523. Yes, Telegram supports markdown formatting.
Long Answer:
It actually 3 styles of formatting

  1. MarkdownV2 style
  2. HTML style
  3. Markdown style

Refer this link for the official telegram bot api documentation and examples for formatting. Also, in your domain.yml file you have to mention formatting style you chose like this.

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Hi Akhil,

Formatting is channel dependent. I’m not familiar with the Telegram channels formatting but the source code is here and it looks like it supports buttons which may be another option for you.


Hi @stephens. Yes, you are right. I’ve used buttons also in Telegram. I am good with all these formatting attributes for utterance responses in domain.yml file.

But, the same formatting attributes are not being supported for retrieval actions to use Response Selector.

I hope the new major update comes soon so that we can use them for Retrieval Actions - FAQs/Small talks, etc.

Hi Akhil,

It would be great to have you work on this and submit a PR.


Hi @Akhil!

Since you mentioned that you have to declare the formatting style in domain, could it be the case that since we cannot declare formatting style in the in the response selector, therefore telegram is not formatting the response?