How to extract large amounts of data from a csv file

I trained a chatbot with 1,000 Chinese documents, but he only answered correctly the first time, and didn’t respond at other times.

(No response to asking the same sentence)

How can i solve it

@dan246 can you elaborate more about your usecase?

I want to use it for daily answers, so I found the information on the Chinese forum, but after training 1000 pieces of information, he will only answer the first time, and will not answer later.

@dan246 you can try on trick, can you delete the older trained model and re-train it again and run. Sometimes this trick help!

I deleted the model, but it still hasn’t been resolved

@dan246 Right, can you explain in brief about your use case?

What’s the meaning?

@dan246 what you trying to archive? you want to fetch the data from csv and whta is your data look like?

My csv file looks like this

Find the corresponding answer(rignt) from the question(left)

Or can I give you my rasa information, can you help me see what went wrong?
