Hi, I have implemented a custom web page where I communicate with RASA through the REST API.
I send a POST request with the message of the user and generally get a response back like
User: Hi Bot: Hi, what is your email address?
In the next message I respond with my email address and in return the flow that I have set up the flow of the chat as follows:
User: name@gmail.com Bot: Okay, i have detected your name is Name Bot: What can i do for you Name?
This is how the response is supposed to be but i only get the first message. How do I make my front-end listen to multiple responses from rasa that may take a second between each response?
url = "http://localhost:5005/webhooks/rest/webhook"
payload = '{\"sender\":\"'+sender_id+'\",\"message\":\"'+text+'\"}'
headers = {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}
response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)
This is my code for sending a POST request.
Anyone know any solutions?