How to build features into Rasa Chatbot

Hey does anybody know, where i can find help on how to integrate features into a rasa chatbot like carousels or buttons etc?

It will depend on the channel you are connecting with – here is some information on how to implement some of the rich content available via the Facebook Messenger platform channel:

Hey thx for answering, I just noticed. So actually im using the rasa chatbot and implemented it into a webside. Now Im trying to make use of carusels, I found this code

`test_carousel = { “type”: “template”, “payload”: { “template_type”: “generic”, “elements”: [{ “title”: “Title”, “subtitle”: “Subtitle”, “image_url”: “/static/images/test.png”, “buttons”: [{ “title”: “Link name”, “url”: “http://link.url”, “type”: “web_url” }, { “title”: “postback name”, “type”: “postback”, “payload”: “/greet” } ] }, { “title”: “Title”, “subtitle”: “Subtitle”, “image_url”: “/static/images/test.png”, “buttons”: [{ “title”: “Link name”, “url”: “http://link.url”, “type”: “web_url” }, { “title”: “postback name”, “type”: “postback”, “payload”: “/greet” } ] } ] } } dispatcher.utter_message(Carousel) return []

that I put into my but its not working yet![quote=“Kemal86184422, post:3, topic:38282, full:true”] Hey thx for answering, I just noticed. So actually im using the rasa chatbot and implemented it into a webside. Now Im trying to make use of carusels, I found this code