I’m using Rasa webchat front end (Botfront) but my chatbot is not scrolling automatically to the last conversation when new message type or new response comes from rasa.
How I can achieve this ?
I’m using Rasa webchat front end (Botfront) but my chatbot is not scrolling automatically to the last conversation when new message type or new response comes from rasa.
How I can achieve this ?
Welcome to the forum @suripaleru Hi, can you share the rasa/botfront snippet code, which you are using for rendering?
Hi Nik, thank you for the response. Seems above issue is resolved. I cleared cache and local storage then it is scrolling fine to down automatically.
But I noticed another issue with initpayload … could you please help me ?
I have defined initPayLoad parameter in js file and other intents and story files but i’m receiving an error.
My nlu file:
my domain file:
Story file:
node js widget file:
@suripaleru Well, I don’t know what code and how you using this code, but I can suggest please use this snippet code and the max issue will be sorted out:
<script>!(function () {
let e = document.createElement("script"),
t = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
(e.src =
// Replace 1.x.x with the version that you want
(e.async = !0),
(e.onload = () => {
customData: { language: "en" },
socketUrl: "https://bf-botfront.development.agents.botfront.cloud",
// add other props here
t.insertBefore(e, t.firstChild);
I guess you are using old version of RasaWebchat.
Note: For Rasa 2.x and above please mention 1.0.1 in version rest versions less then that use 1.0.0 Ref: https://github.com/botfront/rasa-webchat
PS: Your get_started story is fine, update and see the difference please. Good Luck!
Hi Nik, thanks a lot. In my html page, socketUrl → I used “localhost:5005” and same I’ve given in my JS file as well. I changed html page socketUrl to → socketUrl: “https://bf-botfront.development.agents.botfront.cloud”, as you suggested and initpayload working fine .
But end up with another issue. Could you please see if you able to help on this ?
After typing message in chat window text box, when I press enter, data is transferring to bot. I need to press send image to submit user data to rasa. How I can active enter key to submit data to chat window ?
@suripaleru you did not created the index.html file with the snippet code, then you can even use http://localhost:5005
@suripaleru I didn’t get you on the send button, what you basically need to archive?