How do I add multiple intents?

I have this set of data in the data.json file.

  "rasa_nlu_data": {
    "common_examples": [
        "text": "Hello",
        "intent": "greeting",
        "entities": []

       "text": "Hi",  
      "intent": "greeting",   
     "entities": [] 

      "text": "Goodmorning", 
      "intent": "greeting", 
      "entities": [] 

    "regex_features": [],
    "entity_synonyms": []

However when I train the model tensorflow_embedding on this model, it says I need to add multiple intents or else training will fail.

How do I do it ?

Why not use pretrained_embeddings_spacy ?

Thank you. But I am buiding customized chatbot for my domain. That’s why I chose to use tensorflow_embedding.

This is just a sample of training examples. I have more. But I want to know how to add multiple intents?

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In that case, just keep on adding other texts with different intent names like I have done below. I added the intent “bye” with texts “Bye” and “Good Bye”. Just make sure to add these intents in the domain.yml file and also create some stories with these intents.

       "text": "Hi",  
      "intent": "greeting",   
     "entities": [] 

      "text": "Goodmorning", 
      "intent": "greeting", 
      "entities": [] 
    } ,

       "text": "Bye",  
      "intent": "bye",   
     "entities": [] 

      "text": "Good Bye", 
      "intent": "bye", 
      "entities": [] 

Okay. @GauravRoy48 Thank you very much. I will do so.

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