I’m developing a rasa assistant, and I want to connect it to Rasa-X. To do this, I followed the steps for manually launching Rasa-X found here..
The problem I’m having is that I don’t know how to hit the rasa-production server. Using my current setup, I have a frontend that I manually created that sends post requests to the rasa open source container at the url: rasa_open_source_container_name:5005/webhooks/rest/webhook. The data from the post request looks like this:
"sender": "sender_id:",
"message": "user message"
From my understanding of rasa-x, I should no longer need to create the Rasa Open Source container. Instead, I connect Rasa-X to my git server that has my Rasa Open Source code, and then I can train a model and speak with my assistant.
I have been able to get everything to work perfectly, and I can talk to my bot using the Rasa-X UI, but I don’t know how to get my front end to communicate with the rasa-production container anymore. When I hit that container (this time at rasa-production:5005/webhooks/rest/webhook) with the old post request described earlier, I get a message saying “Error: Requested URL /webhooks/rest/webhook not found.”
Is there anything I’m obviously missing here on how to set up the rest channel on rasa-production?