How can we write repeated intents type questions in a single story. For example
- greet
- utter_greet
- balance
- utter_ask_number
- inform{“number”: “9644432730”}
- action_send_otp
- Resend
- action_resend_otp
- OTP{“otp”: “123654”}
- action_validation
- greet
- utter_greet
- balance
- utter_ask_number
- inform{“number”: “9644432730”}
- action_send_otp
- Resend
- action_resend_otp
- Resend
- action_resend_otp
- OTP{“otp”: “123654”}
- action_validation
In this case ,If the user click on Resend Button , For every resend we need to write extra story. Is there any solution to minimize this code.