So basically, I have sent a button response, which should start a flow via an intent.
When that flow is complete, the LLM sends a message regarding returning back to that previous flow even though it should have ended:
Here’s the beginning flow
description: greet the user after they say hello
name: greeting
- action: action_greet
Here’s the domain file for it
ersion: "3.1"
type: any
- parse_user_set_slot_command
- action_greet
- create_ticket
- transfer_money
- text: "I am a virtual assistant ready to help you with any of your problems!"
- text: "Hello Amelia! what can I help you with?"
- text: "Goodbye!"
Here’s the action which returns the buttons:
class ActionGreet(Action):
def name(self) -> Text:
return "action_greet"
def run(
dispatcher: CollectingDispatcher,
tracker: Tracker,
domain: Dict[Text, Any],
) -> List[Dict[Text, Any]]:
buttons = [{
"title": "Transfer money",
"payload" : "/transfer_money"
"title" : "Create Support Ticket",
"payload" : "/create_ticket"
print("alright greeting the user")
dispatcher.utter_message(response="utter_greet", buttons=buttons)
return [FollowupAction("action_listen")]
Here’s the last few lines of the flow triggered by the create_ticket intent:
- collect: is_user_confirmed
ask_before_filling: true
utter: action_ask_create_ticket_is_user_confirmed
- if: "slots.is_user_confirmed"
- action: action_create_ticket
next: END
- else: l1_topic
Here’s the beginning of the conversation starting with the greeting:
And here’s the end of the conversation, which oddly asks us to continue with the greeting
And finally here’s the tracker state starting from the end of the create ticket flow
- stack:
- op: replace
path: /0/step_id
value: END
- stack:
- op: remove
path: /0/frame_type
- op: add
path: /0/previous_flow_name
value: greeting
- op: replace
path: /0/type
value: pattern_completed
- op: replace
path: /0/step_id
value: START
- op: replace
path: /0/flow_id
value: pattern_completed
- op: replace
path: /0/frame_id
value: KJHW3O0M
- stack:
- op: replace
path: /0/step_id
value: 0_utter_can_do_something_else
- action: utter_can_do_something_else
- stack:
- op: replace
path: /0/step_id
value: END
- stack:
- op: remove
path: /0
The problem is with it asking us to continue with the greeting? How can I get rid of this?