> <script type="text/javascript">
> var chatroom = new window.Chatroom({
> host: "http://localhost:5005",
> title: "Chat with Mike",
> container: document.querySelector(".chat-container"),
> welcomeMessage: "Hi, I am Mike. How may I help you?",
> speechRecognition: "en-US",
> voiceLang: "en-US"
> });
> chatroom.openChat();
> </script>
how to get ‘Mike’ to slot. or get this wellcome message into slot.
i want capture system ip/ login user into slot.
This looks like the Chatroom react widget? In that case the welcome message is shown before your Rasa assistant is actually launched & you’d need to modify the react code to customize it (which I’m not personally familiar with). I’d use a default welcome message that should work for all systems & then have a second message that’s more personalized that’s sent from Rasa.
yes. its is react widge for rasa chatroom. i want to add initialpayload: in html like ‘rasa-webchat’. atleast any chance to send data from html to rasa slots from this widget?