Fill Slot in Form With Free Text in Rasa 3.0


I am trying to build a small form that requests a slot ‘search_string’, and I want this slot to take free text from the user.

The only examples of this that I have seen were in Rasa 2.x, and the docs of Forms in Rasa 3.x no longer has from_text mentioned in them.

Does anyone have a complete example of filling a slot with free text in Rasa 3.x? Thanks in advance for the help!

It still does! Here it is :slight_smile:

Hi @ChrisRahme, thank you very much for your reply!

I did not realise it moved from the Forms section to the Domain section - thank you for pointing that out to me :slight_smile: .

How would I implement this in a form? For example, my current form looks like:

- rule: Activate search_string form
  - intent: search_internet
  - action: search_string_form
  - active_loop: search_string_form

- rule: Submit form
  - active_loop: search_string_form
  - action: search_string_form
  - active_loop: null
  - slot_was_set:
    - requested_slot: null
  - action: action_search_internet

Thanks so much for your help.

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From the docs:

- search_string
- number

    type: text
    - type: from_text
      not_intent: stop

        - search_string
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Thanks again @ChrisRahme.

Sorry for the confusion, but why would we have type: custom, and not type: from_text? And how would you write the form in rules/stories.yml?

Apologies for all these questions!

Oops, that’s a mistake from my side! Fixed it now :slight_smile:

Exactly as you did it :slight_smile: Again, all mentioned in the docs:

No worries man, that’s what the forum is for :slight_smile:

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Hi @ChrisRahme, got it, makes sense!

I really appreciate your help, thanks again!

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