Errors when installing pip install rasa on windows 10

hello, i was trying to install rasa to windows 10 i open a powershell, have python 3.7.7 installed, have latest pip installed when i ran pip install rasa, the below errors occurred, any ideas ? thanks…

AttributeError: type object ‘Callable’ has no attribute ‘_abc_registry’

ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1: ‘c:\users\bfu\appdata\local\programs\python\python37\python.exe’ ‘c:\users\bfu\appdata\local\programs\python\python37\lib\site-packages\pip’ install --ignore-installed --no-user --prefix ‘C:\Users\bfu\AppData\Local\Temp\1\pip-build-env-jfbkthjs\overlay’ --no-warn-script-location --no-binary :none: --only-binary :none: -i – ‘setuptools>=40.8.0’ wheel Check the logs for full command output. PS C:\Users\bfu>

Hi @briantfu. I recommend checking this out for installing on Windows 10.

If you are still running into issues:

  • Are you installing in a virtual environment?
  • Can you share the command you ran to try to install?
  • Can you share the “the logs for full command output”?

That video on youtube is outdated !!! the link to anaconda takes me to different page with the only option is to download python 3.8 …update this procedure !!! I too can’t install raza in anyway…