Error with slots in Forms

Hello :slight_smile:

I have a problem with my Form. I tried to create a form to get details about a booking in a camping. I developed my form locally and everything was working. The bot first ask for the arrival date and next the departure date. But then, I tried it on rasa X and I wasn’t working anymore : the bot ask for the arrival date but then ask directly for the number of person and attribute to the slot “departure_date” the same value of “arrival_date”.

If anyone has an idea why the bot attributes to both slots the same date and how I can avoid it ?

I share you some screens from local vs rasaX to help you understand. Sorry, the bot speaks french…

Thank you very much for your help !

Hi @olivierdpn. Are you sure it works correctly on a local model as well? If you run your assistant in a debug model (by adding --debug flag to the rasa shell command) do you see that the entities are mapped correctly?

What you could try is a new Rasa feature we added with the release of the Rasa 1.10.0 - it’s called entity roles and groups and should allow you to extract start and end dates as separate entities so that it wouldn’t be necessary for you to do the mappings in your form. It’s an experimental feature and your feedback on it would be super valuable. Give it a go and let me know if you have any questions.