Error when creating docker-compose.override.yml file

Hi all,

First time posting here so sorry if this is a little misguided, but I am making my way through the Rasa masterclass handbook and I am on the Rasa X section. I have been running into some errors which I suspect may be because I am running 0.35.1 where the handbook was written for 0.26.0. Any help would be appreciated

I have created my docker-compose.override.yml file in my /etc/rasa directory with the following contents:

version: '3.4' services: app: image: 'rasa/rasa-sdk:latest' volumes: - './actions:/app/actions' expose: - '5055' depends_on: - rasa-production

After I save the file and run sudo docker-compose up -d from the command line I get the following error:

ERROR: In file ‘./docker-compose.override.yml’, service ‘depends_on’ must be a mapping not an array.

I tried running the code through a yml linter but then I just get a slightly different yet similar error.

What is causing this? Is there a way to do this straight through the Rasa X UI in the new version?

In short I guess I am looking for which sections of the docs to refer to if I have been doing it all wrong by following the handbook instead of the docs, and would I be better off deleting my Google Cloud Storage VM Instance and starting from scratch then going back through the docs or is it still salvageable?

If you’re trying to customize a docker-compose deployment, here are the docs: Customize Your Deployment

ERROR: In file ‘./docker-compose.override.yml’, service ‘depends_on’ must be a mapping not an array. That means you passed depends_on as a service instead of under the app: service – seems like an intendation prooblem.

It looks like you provided

        version: '3.4'
         image: 'rasa/rasa-sdk:latest'
         - './actions:/app/actions'
         - '5055'
         - rasa-production

where you should provide

        version: '3.4'
           image: 'rasa/rasa-sdk:latest'
           - './actions:/app/actions'
           - '5055'
           - rasa-production