Docker: Failed to find component class for "my custom component"

I have read the similar problems from other post this and this. I have tried the PYTHONPATH solution, didn’t work. I have tried to build the docker image from rasa_nlu:0.15.1 (I have to install some python packages), build the image from tensorflow:1.13.py3, run it then exec -it into the container and then run the start --path command, all didn’t work. Someone, please help.

The PYTHONPATH solution only applies to Rasa 1.0, not Rasa nlu 0.15.1. Is using Rasa 1.1.5 an option? Because the PYTHONPATH bug is fixed in there

Thank you @akelad . I solved the problem by wrapping my local rasa_environment entirely into a container. I will update the bot to 1.x soon.