So, I have been working on Rasa 2.2.5 and rasa sdk 2.2.0, It’s been working fine until the last month. But recently the dispatcher.utter_message isn’t working fine.
class ActionFindAndShowTimeZone(Action):
def name(self) -> Text:
return "action_find_and_show_time_zone"
def run(self, dispatcher: CollectingDispatcher,
tracker: Tracker,
domain: Dict[Text, Any]) -> List[Dict[Text, Any]]:
city = tracker.get_slot("city")
timezone = timezones.get(city)
if timezone is None:
output = "Could not find the time zone for {}".format(city)
output = "The time zone for {} is {}".format(city, timezone)
return []
Initially when I ask - “What is the time zone for london?” It used to output: Ok, give me a second to look up the time zone of London. The time zone of london is UTC+1:00
Now the output it is throwing is Ok, give me a second to look up the time zone of London. Ok, give me a second to look up the time zone of London. Hello
I have checked the model parser, it is identifying the intent and entity correctly. but dispatcher could not deliver the information, it is repeating the before message twice and giving a default message -“Hi”
Any help is highly appreciated