Hi @StephanieHohenberg
Thanks for that image. It would definitely be good to get some clarification from the Rasa team.
In the “Rasa Open Source” column the “Connect to messaging channels and apis” I think it means that Rasa will still run on AWS, Google Cloud, etc. But would be good to know.
I’m using Google Cloud Platform and Google App Engine which makes it pretty easy.
What I did was download the Google Cloud SDK to my local machine. Using the SDK means I can run the gcloud commands and basically deploy my project from my desktop to Google Cloud. I’m not an expert but by running “gcloud app deploy” from the folder on my desktop containing the rasa project means that it is automatically built as a docker image (i’m pretty sure) that will run on app engine.
And then all that really needs to be done is to take care of the appropriate endpoints (which i’m still trying to work out as well).
The action endpoint url: “http://localhost:5055/webhook” probably just needs to be changed to the url of whatever server is running the actions. I’m just a bit confused with the endpoints.yml file whether the models url also needs to be set. And in the credentials.yml file the rasa url is url: “http://localhost:5002/api” and not sure exactly what that is pointing to.
And a major issue i’m having is figuring out what to include in the Dockerfile. At the moment my Dockerfile looks like:
FROM rasa/rasa;
ENV BOT_ENV=production;
COPY . /var/www;
WORKDIR /var/www;
RUN pip install rasa;
RUN rasa train;
RUN rasa run -m models --enable-api --cors “*” --debug;
RUN rasa run actions;
ENTRYPOINT [ “rasa”, “run”, “-p”, “8080”];
(the semi colons aren’t in the actual dockerfile it was just to make it clearer when ppl are reading the post)
This isn’t working though and when I try and upload using “gcloud app deploy” i’m getting an error at the end:
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: ‘models/20200117-101125.tar.gz’
The command ‘/bin/sh -c rasa train’ returned a non-zero code: 1
ERROR: build step 0 “gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker” failed: exit status 1
Its great that Rasa runs locally and those masterclass videos have been good. But obviously most people would want to run Rasa off a server whether that’s heroku, aws, google cloud, etc. It prob wouldn’t be too hard for the Rasa team to update the docs for the common platforms eg. AWS, Google and how to modify the endpoint.yml, credential.yml and running the docker files to get things working.